- Services
Core Services
Families First
Children and teens belong with their own families whenever possible. KVC works to safely reunify hundreds of families each year by providing parenting skills training, therapy and other support.
Caring People Needed
On any given day, KVC Kansas provides out-of-home care for thousands of children and teens. Relatives, non-related kin like teachers and neighbors, and foster parents are all critical to providing temporary care for these children and teens. See how you can make a difference as a foster parent.
- Impact
- Get Involved
Children and Families Need You
Through KVC, you can strengthen families, prevent child abuse and neglect, and help create a bright future where every person is safe and connected to a strong family and a healthy community. Please join us today! Learn More
- Resources
Our free resources help you stay informed and educated about foster care, child welfare, adoption, mental health and childhood trauma as well as how KVC Kansas is working toward building healthier communities.
- Events
- About Us
About KVC Kansas
KVC Kansas is a private, nonprofit organization that serves nearly 13,000 children and adults each year. Our team of professionals provides family strengthening and preventative services, foster care case management, family reunification services, foster family recruitment and support, adoption, aftercare, outpatient therapy and more.
We envision a world in which every person is safe and connected to a strong family and a healthy community.
- Blog
Important Updates to Daycare Policy
Beginning July 1, 2019, DCF will assume responsibility for paying for child care for children in foster care and foster homes will receive an EBT card to pay for childcare. Additionally DCF will begin paying child care providers in blocks, rather in hourly, which we hope will provide better support to families. We recognize that the DCF payment rate for childcare may not completely cover all expenses and we will continue with our current KVC exception process until October 1, 2019. Please provide an invoice documenting additional charges to your CPA worker and the child’s case manager by the end of the month.
After October 1, DCF will load an additional $109.50 to the EBT cards to pay for overages. In order to ensure continued child care coverage during this transition, we ask that you complete the following steps:
- Speak with your child care provider to determine if they are a DCF approved provider. (Please note, DCF approval is a different process from the KDHE licensure.) If they are approved you can move on to step 2. If your child care provider is not DCF approved they will need to submit an application through DCF Economic and Employment Services (EES) to provide care for children in foster care. If your child care provider is unwilling to complete this process or if you need to find a DCF approved child care provider please visit https://www.ks.childcareaware.org/
- Once a DCF approved child care provider has been identified you can complete the Application for Foster Care Child Care Benefits which be downloaded by clicking here.
- Please submit this completed application and the supporting documentation to your CPA Worker ASAP but no later than July 1, 2019. Your CPA Worker will submit this application to DCF to ensure completion and approval.
- Once DCF approves your application, you and your provider will be notified by KVC and you should receive your EBT card within 5-7 days. The EBT card will stay with the foster family and will be pre-loaded with funds to pay for childcare based on the children placed in the home.
We understand that this transition may be challenging for your family and the children in your care. Please have patience as we work through these changes with DCF to better serve children in Kansas. If you have questions, please refer to the Guide to Foster Care Child Care for Foster Caregivers or reach out to your CPA Worker for additional support.