- Services
Core Services
Families First
Children and teens belong with their own families whenever possible. KVC works to safely reunify hundreds of families each year by providing parenting skills training, therapy and other support.
Caring People Needed
On any given day, KVC Kansas provides out-of-home care for thousands of children and teens. Relatives, non-related kin like teachers and neighbors, and foster parents are all critical to providing temporary care for these children and teens. See how you can make a difference as a foster parent.
- Impact
- Get Involved
Children and Families Need You
Through KVC, you can strengthen families, prevent child abuse and neglect, and help create a bright future where every person is safe and connected to a strong family and a healthy community. Please join us today! Learn More
- Resources
Our free resources help you stay informed and educated about foster care, child welfare, adoption, mental health and childhood trauma as well as how KVC Kansas is working toward building healthier communities.
- Events
- About Us
About KVC Kansas
KVC Kansas is a private, nonprofit organization that serves nearly 13,000 children and adults each year. Our team of professionals provides family strengthening and foster care prevention services, foster care case management, family reunification services, foster family recruitment and support, adoption, aftercare, outpatient therapy and more.
We envision a world in which every person is safe and connected to a strong family and a healthy community.
- Blog
Caregiver Resources
Through our resource library, training classes, staff directory, and an online library of common forms and documents, KVC Kansas offers a variety of resources to help foster parents and caregivers support the children in their care while partnering with the child’s biological family.
Family Foster Home Application For Licensure (FCL401)
Family Foster Home Application For Renewal (FCL402)
Relative Kin KVC Handbook
Bill of Rights – Foster Parents & Kinship Caregivers
Bill of Rights – Youth in Foster Care
KVC Kansas Staff Directory
Join a KVC Caregiver Facebook Group
Unlock the strength of community with KVC’s Caregiver Facebook groups. Join these private communities where caregivers and KVC staff unite to provide support, share advice, and provide updates on the latest KVC news. Connect with fellow caregivers who understand your journey and strengthen your support network! Click the button for your area below to join!
KC Metro
If you live in Anderson, Atchison, Coffey, Franklin, Johnson, Leavenworth, Miami, Osage or Wyandotte County – this is your group!
If you live in Brown, Clay, Cloud, Doniphan, Douglas, Geary, Jackson, Jefferson, Marshall, Nemaha, Pottawatomie, Republic, Riley, Shawnee, Wabaunsee or Washington County – this is your group!
If you live in Allen, Bourbon, Chautauqua, Cherokee, Crawford, Labette, Linn, Montgomery, Neosho, Wilson or Woodson County – this is your group!
Wichita Area
If you live in Barber, Butler, Chase, Cowley, Dickinson, Elk, Ellsworth, Greenwood, Harper, Hutchison, Jewell, Kingman, Lincoln, Lyon, Marion, McPherson, Mitchell, Morris, Ottawa, Rice, Reno, Saline, Sedgwick or Sumner County – this is your group!
Statewide Caregiver Training Resources
Supplemental Forms for Foster Homes
Background Check Authorization Form (FCL002)
Background Check Authorization Form en Español (FCL002S)
Yearly Mechanical Safety Check (FCL005)
Health Assessment, 16 & Older (FCL009)
Authorization For Emergency Medical Care (FCL010)
Fire and Tornado Drill Record (FCL011)
Continuous Dental Care Record (FCL054)
Health Assessment for Foster Parents’ Children (FCL059)
Sample Menu (FCL404)
Book/Video Report Form for Renewals (FCL410)
Book/Video Report Form en Español for Renewals (FCL410S)
Foster Family Budget (FCL300)
Our Partners
Kansas Department for Children and Families
Camber Kansas City – Children’s Inpatient and Residential Mental Health Treatment
Camber Wichita – Children’s Inpatient Mental Health Treatment
Camber Hays – Children’s Inpatient and Residential Mental Health Treatment