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Advocacy: Champion for Bettering Lives- Lawrence

Bert Nash CMHC 200 Maine Street, Lawrence, KS, United States

Cindy Downey, MPA, is a national trainer with Cenpatico.  As a Senior Trainer, she is responsible for providing training to foster parents, providers, and other community partners while continuing to build community relationships. In this training, participants will be able to identify the 3 areas of advocacy, identify how advocacy takes place in their jobs, […]

Holiday Party- Douglas County

Douglas County Fairground Building 21 North 2120 Harper St , Lawrence , KS, United States

KVC is hosting a Holiday Party for foster parents on December 1st from 6-8:00pm. Be sure to wear your ugly sweater for an Tacky Sweater Contest, bring the kids to meet Santa and enjoying dinner.  Contact your FSC for more information and to RSVP.