Our Back Packs are Packed and We’re Ready to Go!

As our children head back to school this fall, they are wearing brand new back packs filled with new school boxes, crayons, pencils and markers. It takes a lot of work to get one child ready for a new school year, but it is a community-wide labor of love to get every child KVC serves ready to go back to school. KVC is very grateful for the middle school student who used her allowance to buy new school supplies; the young adult who was in foster care seven years ago who filled four sacks with paper, pencils and crayons; and to every individual, family, church, company, Scout Troop and civic organization who together made new school supplies a reality for 3,000 children in foster care.
KVC Kansas would also like to thank some additional donors:

Angeliina Lawson dropped off some crayons, notecards and gift cards to purchase school supplies for children in foster care.
- Neosho County Community College Office Professionals, Chanute
- Home Rooms Furniture Store, Kansas City
- Garmin, Olathe
- Ottawa Chiropractic Office, Ottawa
- Christmas Families, Inc.
- Veracity Consulting, Lenexa
- UMB Bank-CSS Department, Kansas City, MO.
- Chick-Fil-A, East and West Locations, Wichita
- Don Hattan Chevrolet, Wichita