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Secondary Traumatic Stress: Self Care for Caregivers

Join us on Friday, August 7th, as Stan Waddell of Cenpatico shares important information with foster and adoptive parents and child welfare professionals about the impact of secondary traumatic stress and the need for self care for caregivers.  Sarah Rooney, foster parent and facilitator for KEEPSAKE program will also share from her personal experiences.

Date:  Friday, August 7, 2015

Time: 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Location: Bert Nash, 200 Main Street, 1st Floor Conference Room, Lawrence, KS

Register here.

This free training on Self Care for Caregivers is a collaborative training with KFAPA, Children’s Alliance, KVC Kansas, The Shelter and St. Francis Community Services.

At the completion of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the warning signs of compassion fatigue
  • Describe secondary traumatic stress and its symptoms
  • Identify the consequences of not taking care of oneself
  • Understand the importance of committing to the practice of self care
  • Develop a self care plan