Motivated By Love, Father Overcomes Addiction and Brings Son Safely Home After Foster Care

Submitted by Lynn Horned, KVC Intensive In-Home Therapist
When young Frankie was removed from his mother’s home, social workers sought to place him with his father. However, his father was trying to overcome an addiction to alcohol at that time. Find out how he was able to provide Frankie with a safe, loving home.
Adolescent Frankie Ricci* was living with his mother when the courts removed him from home for his own safety and placed him into short-term foster care. Though KVC social workers wanted to place Frankie with his father, he was residing in a drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility. When Mr. Ricci finished his program, he wanted to care for his son, but it was unclear if he was going to be able to maintain his sobriety.
In addition, Frankie was diagnosed with autism, and his father had a difficult time ensuring Frankie received the services he needed while trying to remain sober. At this point, I stepped in to work towards a healthy, safe and happy home for Frankie and his father.
I worked with Mr. Ricci to ensure Frankie’s needs were being met . It did not take long before Mr. Ricci was actively taking all the steps required to provide for Frankie. He kept meticulous notes, schedules and was one of the most attentive and caring parents I had ever worked with. Each time a new behavior or need presented itself, Mr. Ricci contacted the appropriate professionals, took notes, and implemented their suggestions. While doing all of this, he has successfully maintained his sobriety, and is stable with employment and housing.
Mr. Ricci’s placed his child’s needs first. Now he and Frankie are able to thrive.
KVC Kanas is a private, nonprofit organization that provides in-home family support and behavioral healthcare, family reunification services, relative care, foster care and adoption. Through a unique and successful public/private partnership, KVC Kansas serves more than half of all children and families in the child welfare system. Learn more.

* Name changed for privacy reasons.