Families Of Faith Answer The Call To Help Children In Foster Care

More than 400,000 U.S. children are in foster care due to abuse, neglect or other family challenges. Local churches and faith communities often have the compassion and dedication it takes to provide the care and love these children need.
Westside Family Church, located in Lenexa, Kan., answered the call to help after noticing an increase of foster families in their congregation. Westside has now been involved with KVC for many years, hosting foster/adoptive parent trainings (TIPS-MAPP), organizing suitcase drives, donating gifts for children and youth during the holidays and thanking our social workers for all that they do.
“More churches should be involved because it’s our job to care for the fatherless and vulnerable child,” said Jennifer Decker, Westside’s Foster Care & Adoption Ministry Director. “We are involved with the agencies [KVC] because you have to go where they [children] are, they won’t come to you. They need us as much as we need them.”
Watch this 4-minute video to see how Westside Family Church has helped children in foster care and hear from KVC workers Justin Bastin, Randi Johnson and Bryan Drescher:
Is your family of faith being called to help? Find out how your faith community can become involved with KVC to help children and families by learning about our Families of Faith program.