What Is Foster Care?

What is foster care? Foster care provides a temporary arrangement for a child when they are not able to live with their biological parents. Learn more.
What is foster care? Foster care provides a temporary arrangement for a child when they are not able to live with their biological parents. Learn more.
Safety, permanency and wellbeing are the three primary goals of any child welfare system. In this article, see how KVC Kansas is performing on these federal performance standards.
Jennifer and Brad Stallbaumer got into fostering seemingly by accident but then found out how enriching and life-changing it was.
Generous individuals, groups and organizations partnered with us to give 21,000+ gifts to more than 3,300 Kansas children and teens!
Fostering Joy is a faith-based organization that equips churches to provide Kansas foster parents with full-scale wraparound support. Learn more about them in this post!
In this moving story, one KVC employee and foster mom shares some of her experiences as a caregiver to children in need. Read how it has changed her life!
Have you ever wondered why children are in foster care? Though many factors can cause youth to enter foster care, these are the most common reasons.
This training will focus on the importance of building partnerships with the child’s biological parents.
In this training on attachment, participants will learn how attachments are formed, damaged and how they affect children. This training will also cover how to better understand the behaviors in children […]
Three churches have set a tremendous example of how to help children and families involved in the child welfare system.