Adopting a child from foster care involves several steps to ensure the readiness and suitability of prospective parents. KVC is a licensed adoption agency in Kansas and we would be honored to get to know your family and support you on your adoption journey. Understand the adoption process here:
1. Take a Training Class
Most states require a training class before approving a family to adopt a child from foster care. In the state of Kansas, the required training is called MAPP Foundations (Model Approach to Partnerships in Parenting) – a free 30-hour course. The goal of this training is to help prospective foster and adoptive parents gain a better understanding of their ability, willingness and readiness to adopt.
To find out when the next training class is starting, visit this page and our team will contact you.

2. Application and Home Study
After completing the required MAPP Foundation training course, you’ll work with KVC to complete an adoption application and home study. This process usually takes three to six months and KVC will cover this cost if the child you are adopting is in our care.
This application includes:
- Criminal background check
- Verification of employment
- Health assessment of all family members
- Reference checks from friends and family
Additionally, we’ll discuss a variety of topics to understand your parenting strengths and any areas for improvement. Discussions will include:
- Parenting style
- Life experiences
- Sense of family
- Expectations for a child
- Reasons for wanting to adopt
- Thoughts about the type of child you feel best equipped to parent
3. Matching Process
After you complete the MAPP Foundations class and have an approved home study and application, you’ll register on the Adopt Kansas Kids exchange for a potential match. Through this exchange, you’ll be able to meet youth looking for an adoptive family, and youth will be able to meet you. Children available for adoption are typically age 10 and above, part of sibling sets who need to be adopted together, or have unique needs.
Once you express interest in a child, we’ll work with your family to schedule a matching call based on your availability. During this call, you’ll have a chance to share additional information about your family. You’ll also have an opportunity to learn more about the child from those who work directly with them. KVC provides full disclosure of all available information about the child’s background, experiences and needs.
The goal of this call is to allow your family, the case team and other professionals to determine if your family is able to meet the child’s needs and move forward to the next step in the adoption process.
4. Best Interest Staffing
Once there’s a match, your family’s profile will be placed on hold and no additional inquiries will be processed while you move forward with the match. Then, KVC will host a “Best Interest Staffing” (BIS) where our team reviews your home study and application along with the child’s history to determine if the match suits both the adoptive family and the child. Sometimes, several families might be interested in the same child, which makes this step crucial in the process.
If the Best Interest Staffing determines your family is the best fit for the child, you’ll move onto the next step in the adoption process.
If you aren’t selected, your family’s profile will be available again so other children can learn about you and you can learn about other children searching for an adoptive family. Please keep in mind that every decision is made with the child’s best interest at heart to ensure that the selected family can provide the care that best fits the child’s specific needs. Just because you’re not chosen for one child doesn’t mean your family won’t be a great fit for another.
5. Placement & Finalization
If the Best Interest Staffing determines your family and the child are well-suited, you’ll soon begin caring for the child if they weren’t already in your care.
Then, you’ll schedule a time to negotiate an adoption subsidy with the Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF) and sign the Adoption Placement Agreement (APA). You must notify your KVC Adoption Specialist when the APA has been signed.
Adoption finalization typically occurs six months after signing the APA, although this time varies based on a variety of factors, including how long the child has been in your home.
6. Congratulations!
The adoption has been finalized! KVC provides you and your family individualized support services for up to six months following the adoption finalization. These services are intended to help your family with the transition and adjustment period while addressing any concerns, questions, challenges, and of course, celebrating wins!