Generous Donors Give Children in Need a Helpful Start to the School Year

KVC annually reaches out to the community to help supply the children we serve with new school supplies. Every child was able to receive supplies this year!
KVC annually reaches out to the community to help supply the children we serve with new school supplies. Every child was able to receive supplies this year!
KVC would like to thank all of our wonderful resource families for the hard work you do every day! To show our appreciation, please join us for a picnic at […]
Businesses, organizations, families and individuals helped bring holiday cheer to thousands of Kansas youth this year!
Thanks to donors across eastern Kansas, children in foster care served by KVC are heading back to school this fall with brand new school supplies.
Each spring, KVC Kansas hosts appreciation picnics in and around the month of May, which was National Foster Care Month, to recognize and honor foster parents.
KVC was able to supply the children we serve with new back packs and school supplies because of the donations from many businesses.
Throughout the month of May, KVC celebrated Foster Parent Appreciation Month by thanking foster parents.
Each bag is equipped with snacks, a stuffed animal, tooth brush and toothpaste, puzzles, crayons, underwear, a nightlight and many more items every child needs.
Thank you to Mr. Daniel Jacobs and the Christmas Families and Red Bag program for their support of KVC children.
During the holiday season Life 88.5, Kansas City’s home for uplifting and encouraging music, partnered with KVC to provide gifts for children in care