Request a Parent Mentor

parent mentorship program for families in foster care

Are you a parent or caregiver navigating the child welfare system? Look no further than KVC’s Parent Mentorship program! Our team of mentors who have lived many of the same experiences as you are here to provide the guidance and support you need on your journey. Our dedicated mentors will offer personalized connection, conversation and support tailored to your unique situation.

From emotional support to advocacy, we’ve got you covered every step of the way. We want to empower you in your efforts to reunite with your children. Let us walk alongside you, providing the tools and encouragement you need to create a stable and nurturing environment for your family.

Meet the mentors by expanding the “Meet the Mentors” section below.

Experience the Benefits of Personalized Mentorship

  • Personalized guidance and support tailored to your specific situation.

  • Empathy and understanding from mentors who have walked a similar journey.

  • Assistance in accessing vital resources and navigating the child welfare system.

  • Emotional support and encouragement to help you rebuild your life and reunite with your children.

  • Options for phone, video, or in-person mentorship to suit your preferences.

Request a Parent Mentor

We’re currently experiencing high demand for parent mentors, and each of our mentors are at capacity. We’re still accepting new requests, but there may be a wait before a spot opens up. If you have any questions, please email

Disclaimer: The availability of mentors is subject to the number of mentors currently in the program. While we strive to match each parent with a mentor as quickly as possible, there may be times when there is a waitlist due to high demand. Your patience is appreciated as we prioritize providing quality and personalized mentorship to every participant.

Meet the Mentors

Hello, I’m James, a dad to two teenagers—my 16-year-old son and my 14-year-old daughter. We live in Kansas City, KS. Eight years ago, I reunified with my children after foster care. After serving in the military for 13.5 years and experiencing the Gulf War and the Iraq War, I returned home and struggled to adjust to civilian life. These challenges only got worse when I became a single parent. Wrestling with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the challenges of civilian life and single parenthood, I began using substances to try and cope. Soon after, a court ruled to remove my kids from my care and place them into foster care. This left me feeling completely overwhelmed and alone.

It was during this dark period that I met my KVC caseworker, a compassionate person who was my advocate and who helped me reunite with my children. Their support and dedication ignited a spark within me—I was determined to reunite my family and build a better life. I attended parenting and drug and alcohol classes to develop healthier coping skills and understand how to better support my family. Through these classes, along with the support of my KVC caseworker and other resources, I reunified with my kids after foster care. For the past eight years, we’ve faced life’s challenges together—as a family. (Read & watch my family’s story.)

With the knowledge and experience I have now, I hope to help parents understand they aren’t alone. I’m here to help and encourage you to reunify with your children in any way I can. I just want to see families whole, happy and together. I’m not here to judge or condemn you or your actions. I want to offer you love, encouragement and the strength to reunite your family. If you’re in the Kansas City, KS area, I’d love to connect with you either over the phone or in person.

kvc kansas peer mentorship program

I’m Ashley, a resilient mother who recovered after years of substance abuse to reunite with my children. I understand the pain and uncertainty that can accompany involvement with the child welfare system, as my husband and I found ourselves facing unimaginable circumstances in 2015. (Read & watch my family’s story.)

Following the birth of our third son, social services intervened when he tested positive for meth and THC. Without warning, all three of our children entered foster care. Broken, confused, and scared, we had no idea what we were going to do or even how to start.

Our journey to recovery started off on shaky ground. We missed visits and failed UAs. There was actually a point in which I truly believe we felt it was impossible to get our kids back. With these thoughts in mind, we fell deeper into our addiction and quickly began to miss even more UAs and visits.

Then, a pivotal phone call from my mother jolted us awake. “Ashley, you’ve got court in 30 days and they’re going to relinquish your rights if you don’t get it together.”

In that moment, the overwhelming fear of losing our children forever made us change our behavior. Determined to rebuild our lives, we left a toxic environment and moved in with my father, embarking on a challenging journey to recovery. Our road was filled with pain, regret, sorrow, and disappointment at times, but everyday we woke up with the resolve to be better than the day before. After two long years involved with the foster care system, we finally reunified with our children and brought them back home where they belong.

Since our involvement with foster care, my husband secured stable employment and has supported my pursuit of becoming a registered nurse. We’ve also welcomed a beautiful baby boy into our lives, who is now three years old. Having fought my way back into society, I’m driven to give back and support parents who are experiencing similar struggles. I truly understand the heartbreak and despair that can accompany these circumstances, and I want to inspire others who may feel hopeless at this very moment.

I reside in Doniphan County and work in the Atchison area. Together, my husband and I have turned our story of struggle into one of resilience and hope. Let me help you do the same. Reach out today and let me support you through your journey to reunite with your kids.

Hi, I’m Sean. If I’m being completely honest, I never thought I would be here today, living the life that I am living. However, these good days didn’t come without struggle and heartbreak. (Read & watch my family’s story.)
As a young adolescent boy (probably age 12-13), I started using substances. It was all that I knew and all that I had ever lived. I spent 2 years in prison related to substance use from age 16-18. After getting out of prison, I met my soulmate, Ashley. It wasn’t long after getting together, that we starting using and abusing substances together. We welcomed 3 children into this world while in active addiction. After the third delivery, Ashley delivered positive for methamphetamine and THC, and social services had to come and remove our children from the hospital. It was the most devastating day of our lives.
After our children were removed, we did OK for awhile, but ended up falling deeper into our addiction while they were gone. We failed UAs, missed visits, and ultimately gave up for awhile because we couldn’t see the way out. I still can’t explain what happened the day we left our old living conditions and took a step onto our path of recovery, but on March 1, 2016, we took that giant leap and haven’t looked back since. We just couldn’t live our lives any longer without our children. It took us about a year after they removed our children to get on the right track, but with support from our workers and foster parents, we were able to safely reunify our family.
Since getting clean and bringing our children home, I have maintained steady employment in efforts to help my wife achieve her dream of becoming a nurse. I have served on committees and shared education throughout Kansas. We also welcomed a new baby boy into our lives and got to experience that miracle CLEAN! Through several panels and committees, I have developed a burning desire to help other families experiencing some of the same hardships as us. We believe that we were put here to help families just like us, and I am excited to support you on your journey toward reunification. Foster care is a difficult thing to process and work through, let me guide you on your journey to bringing your children home!

kvc parent mentor program

Hello, I’m Kassi, a resident of Topeka, Kansas, and a passionate advocate for families in need. I’m willing to help bio parents, kinship caregivers, and guardianship families so together we ensure the safety and security of your family. (Read & watch my family’s story.)

As a parent mentor, I understand the challenges and hurdles that families face when navigating the child welfare system. Having experienced these struggles firsthand with my girls, I’m dedicated to filling the void of support I once longed for.

My role as a mentor extends beyond just offering a listening ear. I can assist you in accessing vital resources, navigating the process of applying for benefits, and address any concerns related to unsafe housing conditions. My ultimate goal is to guide and empower you to build a strong and secure foundation for your children’s wellbeing.

I believe it takes a village to raise children, and equally, it takes a village to support families in need. Reach out today and let’s start building a secure and nurturing environment for your family.

kvc parent mentor program

I’m Michael, a dedicated parent who has personally navigated the challenges of having my two daughters placed into state custody. Additionally, I myself have experienced the foster care system as a youth. These experiences have fueled my passion to offer support and guidance to families in similar situations. (Read & watch my family’s story.)

Despite my busy schedule as a truck driver, I’m committed to connecting with and assisting families in any way possible. Whether you need a listening ear, advice based on my own lived experience, or information on how to effectively navigate the child welfare system, I’m here to support you. While video chats are limited to evenings, rest assured I’m available for phone calls for the majority of the day.

I understand the unique challenges and emotions that arise from being directly involved with the child welfare system. Let me lend you a hand on your journey, providing empathy, encouragement, and practical assistance. Submit the form below to connect with me.

kvc kansas peer mentor progam

Hello there! I’m Gabriella, a 24-year-old mother and wife. I’m blessed with two incredible boys, ages seven and one and a half, and I’m married to my lovely husband, Noah. (Read & watch my family’s story.)

My life’s journey hasn’t been without challenges. At the young age of fifteen, I entered foster care. Due to multiple placement moves and school changes, I struggled to keep up with school. At sixteen, I made the decision to drop out and marry my boyfriend at the time to avoid returning to the system. Then I became pregnant.

Soon after, I went through a divorce, my son’s father ended up incarcerated and tragically, an addiction relapse led to my baby being removed from me when he was just over a year old. At that point, I found myself trapped in a cycle of extreme substance abuse, poverty, and mental health struggles. I felt like I had nothing and faced countless challenges, from unstable jobs to legal issues. Despite my tough circumstances, I persevered through probation, inpatient/outpatient rehabilitation treatment centers, and transitional living arrangements and Oxford Housing. I had no family support outside of my paternal grandmother, and even then I still had a rough ride. Throughout my life, I experienced various forms of abuse from family members and non-related acquaintances. You name it, I went through it. All of this shaped my journey.

Fast forward to today, and I am proud to say that I am a homeowner and a dedicated member representative for the Kansas Family First Family Council. I volunteer with KVC in their Engaging Parents Workgroup, and I am also a Lived Expert partnering with the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Together, we are implementing the SOUL Family program as a permanency option for teens aged sixteen and older within the KVC system. But above all, my greatest achievement is being a present and nurturing mother to my two amazing kids. I cherish every special moment with them, from fun weekends at the Art Center with my oldest son to attending all of his baseball practices, games, and many other activities! As for my little one, he is my oldest son’s best friend and our sweet bundle of joy. I get to experience every single moment of their lives with them, and that is the ultimate reward.

My hope is to provide reliable support and compassion to anybody going through a hard time. You don’t have to face the process of reuniting with your children alone or in fear. The truth is that we all need somebody to confide in who has been through this, and that’s where I come in! I just know that if I had someone to lean on, who had succeeded in this journey, I could have gotten my son back sooner. Don’t lose any more time with those babies – you can do this!

I currently reside in Lawrence, KS, in Douglas County. Connect with me and let me support you on your path to a brighter future.